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Aisa and Pacific Disability Forum(APDF) Press Statement on Earthquake in Nepal

by 어깨꿈 posted May 04, 2015


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Asia and Pacific Disability Forum (APDF)

 Press Statement on Earthquake in Nepal


It is with great sadness to hear of the heavy toll of lives caused by the earthquake on April 25, in Nepal. Words cannot express how saddened we are to hear of the massive loss of lives.

             While cherishing the hope that many of the people still listed as missing will return to their families alive and well, we express our sincere gratitude to all the rescue operations. Also, we kindly request governments and relief organizations in every country to assist in their swift rescue.

Every time we encounter such heartbreaking news like the devastating tsunami in Japan, the Philippines, and the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, as well as other cruel natural disasters that are occurring over the world, we are keenly aware of how important disaster risk reduction is to people all over the world.

Most importantly, however, for the APDF, especially for the persons with disabilities, children, women and senior citizens, there is always an extreme danger lurking in case of emergency.

Recalling the Incheon Strategy Goal 7 (Ensure disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction and management) and UNCPRD article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies), we call on governments in every country to establish comprehensive plans for accessibility from all aspects in the situation of natural disasters.

Also, we urge governments in every country to set forth safe, inclusive and accessible countermeasures against natural disaster for the vulnerable including persons with disabilities in the Sustainable Development Goals, to be declared in September 2015.

We sincerely hope that there will be no more victims and we would like to offer our deepest and heartfelt condolences and consolation to the victims, their bereaved families and people in Nepal. Please remember that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad and tragic time.


Asia and Pacific Disability Forum   

 April 30, 2015

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